Wednesday, December 6, 2017

Article: Inside Trump’s Cruel Campaign Against the U.S.D.A.’s Scientists

Inside Trump’s Cruel Campaign Against the U.S.D.A.’s Scientists

by Michael Lewis


Half a year later book club is revived. We try something shorter, an article to learn about the transition between executive administrations and all the random things the USDA does.


With key U.S.D.A. programs—from food stamps to meat inspection, to grants and loans for rural development, to school lunches—under siege, the agency’s greatest problem is that even the people it helps most don’t know what it does.


  • What did you know about the USDA before reading the article?
  • What did you learn about the USDA?
  • What surprised you?
  • How do you think government responsibilities should be organized?
  • What do Americans know about the organization and functions of the government? 
  • How do you feel about the transition and how does the article portray the transition?


  • We knew USDA is in charge of meat, USDA is listed on meat.
  • Surprised USDA oversees nutrition programs, oversees interactions with nature including wildfires, and has such a large budget.
  • The government should do better PR so that citizens know how government actions contributes to their daily lives. Loans and services funded by government should be transparent. 
  • Many individuals who voted Republican and desire smaller government actually benefit and may depend on government programs without their knowledge.
  • Transition and current climate is chaotic and worrisome.
  • Article was interesting and presented information that we were not aware of.


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